Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Five more to go

WEEK 12: Wow, this season has flown by, week 12 already?!? Anyway, I don't think I've seen any previews, but I really wish that Anthony Bourdain would come back and judge again, he's just too funny. We're really getting down here to the wire with just five chefs left — two of which shouldn't have made it to week 6, let alone 12. But with just five left, it makes it easier for us to guess, which means more points should be awarded this week and I anticipate some rank changes.


Anonymous said...

1. Quickfire: Richard
2. Winner: Antonia (I picked her the first week, why not go back to her now?)
3. Loser: Lisa
4. Fight? No

Anonymous said...

1. Antonia
2. Richard
3. Spike
4. Yes

Anonymous said...

Quickfire: Richard
Winner: Stephanie
Loser: This is really tough. I'm totally split. I'm going to go with Lisa.
Fight: No

Anonymous said...

Quickfire: Antonia
Winner: Richard
Loser: Lisa
Fight: Yes

Unknown said...

Quickfire: Lisa (because whenever I pick someone who makes sense, I'm wrong)
Winner: Antonia
Loser: Lisa
Fight: Yes