Wednesday, May 21, 2008

War time, take two

WEEK 11: Sorry I'm late again with this, and this week I actually have absolutely no excuse. Anyway, I am very excited for this week's episode: it's restaurant wars week! I am hoping the food is better than wedding wars, but wouldn't be surprised if it isn't! I also can't wait for Anthony Bourdain's guest appearance; he's so disgustingly amazing that he makes me laugh.

UPDATE: DCist also informed me that local D.C. chef José Andrés will be a guest judge alongside Bourdain, yay! Read the interesting little tidbit here.


Anonymous said...

There aren't that many to pick from anymore, it's kind of hard!

1. Quickfire: Stephanie
2. Winner: Richard
3. Loser: Lisa (How'd she get this far?)
4. Fight? Yes

Anonymous said...

1. Antonia
2. Stephanie
3. Spike
4. Yes

Anonymous said...

Quickfire: Richard
Winner: Stephanie
Loser: Spike, for which the term loser applies not only to my prediction, but to him in general.
Fight: Yes

Unknown said...

okay, i think the show officially started 4 minutes ago but i just got back from a business trip (don't i sound all official?) and didn't have time to post my picks.

so, in a totally random fashion since i haven't seen any of the preview commercials this week:

quickfire: andrew
winner: lisa
loser: spike
fight: no, but they will totally get reamed by bourdain!

Unknown said...

and just to be clear - i can't actually remember their names right now - my quickfire pick is the guy with the stupid haircut and my loser is the obnoxious one in the hat.

Kate said...

Getting it in just before the deadline!

Quickfire: Richard
Winner: Stephanie
Loser: Lisa
Fight: No

Anonymous said...

bski, Andrew's off, but I am pretty sure you meant Richard anyway. Either way, you're wrong! :)