Monday, April 7, 2008

The dirty dozen

WEEK FIVE: People seem to like the new question four — Will a verbal fight break out between the contestants? — so we're going to keep it for now. And we're at the same point structure as always, giving only 3 points to that correct answer (and I expect you to all have it correct this week :) ) I haven't gotten any e-mails, so I am assuming everyone is able to comment, even though y'all slacked big time last week. Just in case you do have problems or want to contact me for any other reason, the e-mail is And as I say each week, it is still anyone's game as there are very few points awarded so far.


Anonymous said...

1. Quickfire? Andrew?
2. Winner? Dale. He and Richard are rockin' it, and the previews show this is a fancy meal they have to create.
3. Loser? Nikki - I'm just going to keep picking her until she's gone. Then it'll be Zoi, if she's not gone already!
4. Fight? Yes

Anonymous said...

1. Marc
2. Antonia
3. Zoi
4. Yes

Shine A Light Yoga said...

Quickfire: Stephanie
Winner: Antonia
Loser: Lisa
Fight: yes

Doria said...

1. Richard
2. Antonia
3. Zoi
4. Yes.

Kate said...

Quickfire: Mark
Winner: Richard
Loser: Zoi
Fight: Yes

Anonymous said...

Quickfire: Jennifer
Winner: Mark
Loser: Ryan
Fight: Yes!