Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Wedding week, different channel

WEEK 9: Who can pull out the long hours and big-scale catering needed for what seems to be an extension of Food Network's Wedding Week?


Anonymous said...

Same as last week, why not, it didn't get me any points then, maybe it will now. It's all about the foresight...
1. Quickfire: Richard
2. Winner: Richard
3. Loser: Nikki, alright already people, you can't be keeping her around b/c of her personality, she doesn't have one!
4. Fight: Yes, Dale's still on the show, right?

Anonymous said...

1. Dale
2. Stephanie
3. Spike
4. Yes

Unknown said...

1. Quickfire: Nikki
2. Winner: Dale
3. Loser: Andrew
4. Fight: Yes

Anonymous said...

This is from LookGirl, but for some reason Blogger wouldn't let her post, so she e-mailed it to me (by deadline, I promise!)

quickfire: Stephanie
winner: Richard
loser: Nikki
fight: yes